Nowadays restaurants need to take action to manage odour neutralization, specifically for bad smells coming from the waste recovery area. Taking into consideration these problems Idrotech has designed a twp-products system: the combined use allows you to solve effectively the odours issue.
The first solution treats the smell in the air when the waste bins are full with a biodegradable product, So-Industriale. Thanks to a nozzles line managed by a Fog 25, the diluted product is sprayed directly on waste with regular time intervals (1 minute ON/1 minute OFF).
The second solution, So-Bio, is a biotechnological product to deodorize waste recovery areas. You will be able to treat directly the affected area using a sprayer. So-Bio acts directly on bins when they are empty, by facilitating the aerobic biological digestion of fat, protein and starch contained in solid waste residues.
In social contexts, odour neutralization is a growing and shared need. This is a requirement that also applies to public services, especially restaurants and hotels. Given the increasingly strict regulations, measures became necessary in order to prepare a proper waste recovery area for waste disposal. In many cases, it is a space next to the restaurant, with the result that the possible bad smell can be perceived by their customers or from the neighbourhood, with not happy consequences for everyone.